Trotz enormer Fortschritte in der Sportmedizin und -technologie werden die heutigen Sporthelden weiterhin von Pseudowissenschaften und Quacksalbern - Heilmitteln gegen Verletzungen - verfolgt, die Bettler glauben.
Aber verrückte Heilmittel gegen Sport und andere Verletzungen sind nichts Neues. Hier werfen wir einen Blick auf einige der verrücktesten Sportergänzungsmittel je.
Ein Huf für einen Huf
Got a problem with a foot or a knee – chances are, ligaments are involved. But if conventional therapies like deep tissue massage, ultrasound and strengthening exercises aren’t working, perhaps it’s to try something new.
Zum Beispiel Pferdeplazenta.
Simply drip some fluid extract from the organ onto the affected area and massage into the skin. Either that or take it dried, in capsule form. In both cases there’s absolutely no evidence that the treatment works – but that didn’t stop striker, Robin Van Persie giving it a go for an ankle injury.
Professional athletes have to be extremely careful not to accidentally consume banned substances. Many’s the athlete who has come a cropper after taking apparently benign cold and flu remedies.
So what do you do if a sore throat threatens to destroy your chances? Take syrup of snails of course. Try this recipe from 1728:
„Um einen Sirup aus Schnecken herzustellen, nehmen Sie am frühen Morgen Gartenschnecken, während der Tau auf ihnen liegt, ein Pfund; nimm ihre Muscheln ab; schlitz sie auf; und mit einem halben Pfund Zucker legen Sie sie in eine Tüte; Hängen Sie sie in einen Keller und der Sirup schmilzt und fällt durch; die für den Gebrauch behalten. Es besitzt auf die beste Weise alle Tugenden der Schnecken. “
Mach das Gewicht
Never mind starvation, dehydration or water tablets – making the weight has never been easier. One pill is all it takes to shed those last few pounds to ensure you’re ripped to the max. And the good news is, you can eat as much as you like and still lose weight. The downside? Your abdomen may look a little distended – but hey – that’s a small price to pay, right?
The ‘pill’ – a brainwave of the 19th and early 20th century is in fact, a live tapeworm egg. Once hatched, your pet parasite will eat everything you eat, and absorb all the calories intended for you. Unfortunately this weight control supplement can also cause nausea, vomiting, malnutrition, diarrhea, internal cysts that damage organs, restrict blood flow and cause seizures.
Leiche öffnen
No – not the mortal curse of Harry Potter fame, but a magical ancient Egyptian innovation and sure fire way to eat your way to stronger muscles and bones. The best thing is, you can make this super supplement at home. All you need is an old man.
Feed him on nothing but honey until he keels over, then place his body in a stone coffin filled with – you guessed it – honey. After a hundred years, your sweet cadavre is ready to go. It’s a pity that you’ll be dead by then – or perhaps a honeyed corpse yourself, but you could look on it as laying in an excellent cure all for the grandkids. You could even create new brand to market your wonder cure – ‘Honey Mummy – for what ails you’.
These days, we all know smoking is incredibly bad for health. But in the 18th century, it was taken as a health supplement to aid recovery from a range of ailments including cholera, typhus, and colds. If you’re a swimmer, it might still pay to have some tobacco to hand, along with a pair of bellows.
Während des 18. Jahrhunderts war es üblich, Opfer des Ertrinkens wiederzubeleben, indem ein Gummischlauch in die hinteren Enden eingeführt und mit Tabakrauch vollgepumpt wurde.
The UN estimates that over 2 billion people worldwide, eat bugs of one kind or another. A great source of healthy protein, caterpillars contain more of the muscle builder than their equivalent weight of minced beef. And now with global warming and increasing environmental pressures brought on by our huge and rising populations, the advice is that bugs should be on the menu.
But in the West, we don’t like them. And with good reason. How would you fancy chowing down on beetles and larvae – crunchy on the outside puss filled on the inside? No. When it comes to sports supplements, we’re sticking with good old fashioned whey protein.